Thursday, February 21, 2013

Maldives - Day 3

Day 3
Where I am: In the ocean.
Who I met: Brian, our guide kinda reminds me of a cross between Grey and Uncle Bill. Steph has been sick for a few days so has spent a lot of time sleeping. Hayley is like my sister from another mother. Yesterday she said 'Buh bow!' and then in the line up she said 'uh oh spaghetti-o'. I wonder if her mother is a teacher too...

What we did:
The Left
We slept in til about 7. We watched Brian and Alanna go out at a hollow left. She charges. We were taking photos of this fast, unrideable-looking wave, and then realised it was where they were actually surfing. We had breakfast, then went out at Riptides.
Looking hollow

Boat Jumps
Surf Session #3
Spot surfed: has that name for a reason. Spent the whole time paddling. It is a bit of shallower reef in between two smallish islands, so taking your bearings was a bit interesting. The guys in the line up were on a luxury boat with flat screens in each room and a masseuse on board. They were great sports and very sharing with the waves when we turned up.

I surfed my: mini simmons 5'6

Memorable Moments: After going for a drift that we didn't realise had occurred, we spent about 15 minutes paddling back to the line up.

My best wave: no great waves for me today. It was hard to be in the right spot. I had about three rides, the last being ok

What I learnt: Paddling for position for an entire session sucks. Needed my weight further back on my 5'6.

After lunch we visited a resort for the afternoon. Hung out in the pool, walked around the island. There's a fast hollow right that breaks right in front of the surf villas here that dad would have loved.
Boat transfer to the resort - Leeann, myself, Tamara.

Nice right, right in front of the bungalows.

A funny thing that happened was: We played with an inflatable croc and a li-lo thinking it belonged to the hotel. We were considering taking them out to the beach before the owner came and asked for them back...
Rockin it.
Stacks on: Me, Leeann and Tamara

Steph, myself and Leeann

Appropriate thongs for the Maldives.

What we ate: Nicest paw paw I've ever had. Crepes with coconut and tuna filling. Food has been great! Crepes in the morning, toast, fruit etc. Eggs - scrambled, fried, omelettes...something different each morning. Curries for lunch, or garlic spaghetti. Fish and chips last night with coleslaw. It's all been nice and not too oily or heavy.

Ok. Time to watch the world go by for a bit.

All photos are copyright Hannah Katarski except those reproduced with the permission of Mikala Wilbow Photography. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG sister from a different Mr! whoop the story Hannah! xooxox