Saturday, July 7, 2007

A productive day!

Today my husband's aunts came over and I taught them how to make felt! We had a great day. Alison made a sample piece (above) which she is planning to cut up and sew into something. And she made baby booties (below) for a friend's newborn.
So cute!!! Carole made a nuno scarf will lovely frilly edges. See my cat in the background!! And Alison in the foreground. And you thought you'd gotten away without getting in a photo!!!
Here is a close up of the scarf...
Awesome work!! We will have another play day soon. Maybe floor mats? They are both hellbent on making a jacket but it was such a big job that we'll probably leave them for a while.
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MargaretR said...

That stole made of Nuno Felt is a work of art. Just beautiful.

Val said...

That felting day was really productive Hannah - I love those bootees too! Val