Tuesday, December 5, 2006


They're finally here and I can't believe it! I'm sure it'll sink in over the next few days... I've finished up at what is now my old job. Today was the last day with farewells and Christmas lunch. I just have to keep thinking ahead and reminding myself of all the reasons I wanted to leave. It's juts a little hard without something definite to go on to. But I'm sure something will come up that is perfect for me. In the mean time, I have four wonderful weeks to design and create! How lucky is that!! Went to the Fremantle Arts Centre Bazaar on the weekend - lots of work of local artists and some other things too. lots of inspiring felting. Also went to an exhibition of local textile astists' work in East Freo. That was great, so nice to have a feast of textile art all in one place. Lovely. Of course I've gotten all inspired to save money and make Christmas presents - like I try to do every year. However I think I'm managing ok at the moment. There are just a couple of things that I need but can't find... I've been experimenting the the techniques you can see in the previous posts and am feeling happier with it. I am being more selective with my burning (if that's possible) and cutting away the pieces I want with scissors.

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